
Proactive maintenance

Why Proactive Maintenance is better than preventive maintenance ?

 In today’s world, there is a heavy dependency on machines. Machines are integral to the manufacturing and production of the products and services that are provided, so they are critical for companies that produce products. Almost all factories and industries rely on machines to increase productivity, and safety and competitive advantages for companies lie in how they can increase productivity and improve their margins.

Machines come with a specific life span. To keep machines in working condition as long as possible, they need to be taken care of. There is a specific life span for machines, and sometimes they will become damaged or will stop working. They can last longer, however, if they are properly cared for and maintained. For companies to deliver high-quality products at the lowest possible cost, industrial maintenance is essential.

Looking for a Change 

It is beneficial to perform preventive maintenance on machines to extend their life. A Preventive maintenance schedule is a routine schedule of machine maintenance. As a result, business implications such as lost revenue, significant unplanned expenses, improved productivity, and delays in scheduled projects will be reduced. 

The preferred approach is to perform preventive maintenance. It is the process of regularly inspecting machines to identify problems, analyze them, and fix them before major problems arise with the machines. Using preventive maintenance helps to prevent unscheduled downtime. 

Despite these advantages, preventive maintenance has some limitations 

  • Maintaining machines requires more budget, as is this process of inspecting and checking them regularly, as well as investing in the latest tools and equipment that will increase the overall cost of maintaining the machines. 
  • Following the maintenance schedule will require more manpower, parts, and resources to perform preventive maintenance, as well as calling a mechanic for a one-time fix when relying on maintenance
  • By doing this, business resources and money are spent on maintaining business machines, which can be invested in other productive areas to increase overall revenues.

Better Option for Maintenance 

Proactive maintenance is generally preferable to preventive maintenance. Proactive maintenance may involve using analytics to spot trends that may result in machine failures in advance. With expert systems and artificial intelligence-based rules, the machine assets are monitored in real-time to anticipate failures. In proactive analysis, trends that lead to failure are identified by using historical and real-time data about the machine. By detecting changes in a machine, it can make inferences about its failure. There are 2 more basic ways to do this. more basic ways to do this.

  1. Keep a record of all breakdowns, repairs, problems, and spare replacements, which would help in simple data analysis and understanding the trends
  2. Hire Crane Consultants and Experts who would help you identify and track all the information for you.

This can assist maintenance staff in identifying parts or equipment much before they become ineffective or require replacement or maintenance. corrective action is initiated based on the information that is derived from the collective experience of the staff when its expert system detects a problem.

 How does Proactive maintenance work? 

There are challenges associated with the transition to proactive maintenance, such as culture change, budget issues, a lack of training resources, and a lack of full-time employees capable of learning and performing analysis.

 To help the organization, get started, the following methods can be used:

  • Increasing employee skill set: Building maintenance teams’ core competencies or hiring specific consultants or experts.
  • Selection of technology: Wireless capabilities combined with available maintenance technologies are selected as a technology of choice
  • Concentrating on the failure: Putting a focus on the failure modes and plant systems with an emphasis on capacity and availability
  • Business decision: Where to invest maintenance resources and technologies after receiving leadership support 

Benefits of Proactive Maintenance

In emergencies, critical equipment can fail, causing downtime and draining a maintenance budget. Companies can reduce unplanned outages and associated costs dramatically by identifying potential faults before they disrupt machines through planned maintenance programs. For proactive maintenance to work, it is necessary to plan in detail, get top-level support, and make investments. As a result, it helps companies avoid over or under-maintaining machines and provides a balance of costs, reliability, uptime, and asset health. 

 A proactive maintenance approach has the following benefits

Downtime Reduction: When an item of equipment or system malfunctions, downtime usually occurs. A malfunction causes everything to halt while repairs are made.

The factors that cause breakdowns can be prevented with a proactive CMMS (Computerized maintenance management system). Avoiding the scenario where a machine or system breaks down reduces the need for repairs. As a result, downtime is avoided

Reduction in Repairing Costs: The financial health of an institution is often affected by unexpected repairs. This is especially true when an expensive repair is required.

By implementing a proactive strategy, you can limit the likelihood of unforeseen repairs. You can combine foresight with preventative measures to create a dynamic system. As a result, it anticipates potential problems and provides preventative maintenance solutions.

Machines and other equipment’s lifespan: Maintenance ensures that a piece of equipment lasts for a long time. When a machine lasts longer, the cost of replacing it is delayed

By taking a proactive approach, you can ensure the durability of your equipment. By addressing the root causes of a problem rather than just the symptoms, proactive maintenance solves problems. It also prevents the same issue from occurring again.

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